Police Reform

For the past six years Mosby has advocated for police accountability reform in Maryland, after her bold attempt to hold police accountable for the death of an innocent 25-year old Black man named Freddie Carlos Gray, Jr. from West Baltimore, MD, who was killed in the custody of the Baltimore City Police

In 2016, Marilyn Mosby published a paper outlining the need for police reform. In 2021, the state legislature finally took up many of those reforms. Recognizing that front line Assistant State’s Attorneys work closely with police officers daily, Mosby also created an independent unit, the Public Trust and Police Integrity Unit (PTPIU) at the Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office (SAO), comprised of experienced trial attorneys from other jurisdictions who can fairly and objectively analyze and, when necessary, prosecute cases against police officers. The primary function of the unit is to independently investigate complaints of unnecessary or excessive force, or any other act that may be corrupt or illegal. Mosby has successfully prosecuted 31 police officers through the work of her police integrity unit.